Welcome back to my blog!
This month was very exciting because it was my first few weeks of high school! I was nervous, but also very excited for this new chapter! I got to go around to all my classes for the first time and meet new people. Here I am pictured below with my brother on the very first day of high school!

Last month, I attended a Girl Scout camp where I started working on a Senior Journey, called “Sow What.” In order to finish a Girl Scout Journey, the last step is to complete a take action project. For our take action project, my troop and I created a poster to educate youth about poverty and hunger in Detroit, which we presented at the Girl Scouts Thinking Day event. We also helped younger Girl Scouts make snack packs for children in Detroit whose families did not have enough food. This allowed our troop to make a direct impact on our community and educate younger girls about this important issue.

See you next month!