Welcome back to my blog! I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy during this time!
I've been pretty busy for the last few weeks with AP Exams, but now that they're over I have a lot more free time on my hands! With regards to our Gift8Lives club, we are starting to select officers for next year and we will be announcing them soon! I am trying to find ways to get involved with organ donation remotely, especially through social media. We are also trying to plan for next year's Gift8Lives club meetings.
Recently, there were two articles published about my Girl Scout Gold Award Project!
You can view them below:
Published on May 4th, 2020: https://bit.ly/2TveYk7
Published on May 20th, 2020: https://bit.ly/3bScNgZ
The Girl Scouts of Southeastern Michigan also featured my Gold Award story in detail here: http://girltalk.gssem.org/ceremonies-and-celebrations/gold-award-girl-scout-srishti-gowda/
You can learn about all the other 18 amazing 2020 gold awardees here and get some inspiration to give back to the community: www.gssem.org/honors2020
Thank you for reading! See you soon!